Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thanks for you at Bonnaroo!

For those of you who showed up and worked your shifts, Thank you! You guys rock! Let's do it again next year. I hope you had a great time.

God bless y'all!

Friday, June 5, 2009

When to get there and what to do...

We need to be in Manchester Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. We'll meet up in the Wal-Mart Parking lot and go in together Wednesday morning. If you are not able to be there that soon, we'll have another meetup Wednesday night to go in together.

Wal Mart is at 2518 Hillsboro Blvd in Manchester. It's not hard to find.

Look for my Nomad flag to meet up. It looks like this . .

I'll post more details as I get them.